Our case studies provide a more detailed account of some of the different projects that we have worked on.
To identify the impacts of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund in the UK and the external factors that effected it.
Review of trade effluent legislation and practice in the UK and Ireland, and worldwide, and the development of a series of policy options.
The Water Industry National Environment Programme for 2025-30 sets out the actions water companies must take to adhere to legislative requirements, such as asset improvements, investigations, monitoring and catchment interventions.
We are conducting a Fitness Check to assess the state of play on the implementation of the polluter pays principle in EU environmental policy including selected EU funding programmes.
To identify what has been done to implement the 25YEP since it was published in 2018
Review of existing provisions and approaches to compliance assessment and identification of solutions to gaps and challenges
In-depth assessment of impacts of policy measures to reduce unintentional releases of microplastics in Europe.
To support the Commission’s ongoing assessment of implementation of the IED and the BAT Conclusions.
Undertake a formal impact assessment of options to revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) according to the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines.
Undertake a feasibility assessment of applying EPR to deal with micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals in urban waste water.
I have found the staff at AQC to be very friendly and helpful when carrying out assessments on our behalf.
East Herts Council
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