Dan is an Assistant Consultant within the Environmental Policy & Economics team and joined the company in 2024.
Before joining Logika Group, Dan completed their MSc in Human Geography: Society and Space at the University of Bristol, specialising in development studies and environmental policymaking. Dan’s thesis looked at the conceptualisation of disability in Bristol’s planning policy. Prior to this, Dan completed their BSc in Geography at the University of Bristol, during which they were a student consultant for two projects on Sustainable Development. They also have experience teaching Sustainable Development at University level.
I had full confidence in Prof Laxen and his team right from the outset in their ability to deliver what we needed in the required timescale.
Band Hatton LLP
Undertake a formal impact assessment of options to revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) according to the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines.
Evaluation of options to reduce emissions from the non-transport sector, including energy plant and NRMM
Scientific review and recommendations to the mineral oil and gas refining sector.
Deliver strategic noise maps and associated noise exposure statistics for ‘major roads’ in Gibraltar as required under national legislation transposed from Directive 2002/49/EC.
© Air Quality Consultants, Logika Consultants and Noise Consultants 2025