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Latest news and updates from the Environmental Policy and Economics practice.

Logika Group is Sponsoring the Built Environment Networking Webinar

Logika Group is pleased to be sponsoring the Built Environment Networking webinar ‘Green Infrastructure: Make it the Heart of Smart and Future Cities and New Development’.


Air Quality Consultants Ltd (AQC) Publishes Report on the Air Quality Benefits of School Streets

AQC has published a report quantifying the air quality benefits of the new School Streets that were installed as part of the Mayor’s Streetspace for London programme.  School Streets restrict vehicle access during drop-off and pick-up times.  The study was commissioned by the Greater London Authority in association with the FIA Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. 


Defra Appoints Noise Consultants Ltd to Lead Delivery of an Environmental Noise Modelling System

Noise Consultants Ltd has been appointed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to lead the development of a noise modelling system capable of preparing national noise maps.


Huge Market Potential in Removing Substances of Concern from Circular Economy - New Report

New ChemSec report published looking at how removing substances of concern could better enable the circular economy and create significant market potential.


The Value of Nature and the Nature of Value

Dr Helen Davies discusses the publication of ‘The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review’.


Logika Europe open for business

As of 10 November, Logika Europe, was officially incorporated in Belgium with an office based in Brussels.


We are recruiting - Environmental Policy & Economics Consultants / Senior Consultants.

The new Environmental Policy and Economics team at the Air Quality Consultants Ltd, Logika Consultants Ltd and Noise Consultants Ltd group of companies has made great progress.



The (combined) open public consultation for the revisions of the Industrial Emissions Directive and European Pollutant Release & Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation was launched just before Christmas and runs until 23 March.


Publication of EEB report

Our report for the European Environmental Bureau looking at the National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCPs) that the Member States have prepared under the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) has now been published.


AQC and Noise Consultants awarded environmental monitoring contract for new HS2 terminus at London Euston

Air Quality Consultants Ltd and sister company Noise Consultants Ltd have been appointed by Mace Dragados Joint Venture (MDJV) to provide a range of environmental consultancy services associated with the construction of the new landmark HS2 terminus at London Euston.


AQC Updates Analysis of Changes in Pollutant Concentrations Across the UK as a Result of COVID-19

Air Quality Consultants Ltd has updated its analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 social and travel restrictions on air quality.  The lockdown in late March had a dramatic effect on concentrations, with NOx and NO2 concentrations reducing notably at roadside, industrial and urban sites, and roadside O3 concentrations increasing.  At most sites, NOx and NO2 concentrations have remained below pre-lockdown levels since March.  However, a general trend for increasing NOx and NO2 concentrations, and reducing O3 concentrations, at roadside monitors from early July has meant that, by the end of September, concentrations at some sites were close to pre-lockdown levels.


David Tyrer joins the Logika Group of companies as Technical Director of its new Environmental Policy & Economics team

David Tyrer, a Public Policy and Environmental Economist, has joined the Logika Group of companies as Technical Director of its new Environmental Policy & Economics team.


© Air Quality Consultants, Logika Consultants and Noise Consultants 2025