Our report for the European Environmental Bureau looking at the National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCPs) that the Member States have prepared under the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) has now been published (https://eeb.org/library/national-air-pollution-control-programmes-analysis-and-suggestions-for-the-way-forward/). The revised NECD sets emission reduction commitments for all Member States for five pollutants (SO2, NOx, NMVOC, NH3 and PM2.5) to be met between 2020-29 and 2030 onwards (set as % reductions relative to a 2005 base year).
The team undertook an in-depth evaluation of the NAPCPs focused on the following elements:
- Timeliness and completeness of reporting.
- Coherence with other policy areas e.g. climate change and energy.
- The additional policies and measures that the Member States have proposed to be adopted to achieve their future emission reduction commitments.
- The overall risks of non-compliance with the commitments based on the NAPCPs and projections reported by the Member States and the findings of the evaluation e.g. how robust the projections and additional policies and measures are.
The main finding is that very few Member States are at a low risk of non-compliance with their commitments so there is a lot of work to do, particularly for ammonia emissions from agriculture. Any questions then let Ben Grebot know (bengrebot@logikagroup.com).
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