Huzefah is an Assistant Consultant within the Environmental Policy & Economics team and joined the company in 2025. He is involved in delivering policy and economic analysis for a range of public bodies and private clients, including the European Commission.
Before joining Logika Group, Huzefah completed his MSc in Climate Change, Management and Finance at the Imperial College Business School. His thesis focused on the effectiveness of blended finance instruments in crowding in private capital for climate action. Prior to this, Huzefah was working as a consulting analyst in Islamabad, Pakistan on financial inclusion and public health projects. In collaboration with the Gates Foundation, he contributed to the polio eradication efforts in Pakistan. He has a background in climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions, sustainable finance, and international development.
Very pleased with the communication aspect of my dealings with AQC.
Dover District Council
Undertake a formal impact assessment of options to revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) according to the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines.
To provide an evaluation of Member States’ NAPCP submissions under the revised National Emission Ceilings Directive and key recommendations for Member States and the European Commission.
Consider the latest evidence related to health effects from modern Energy from Waste plant
Generate and evaluate the evidence to focus policy actions for maximum effectiveness and efficiency
© Air Quality Consultants, Logika Consultants and Noise Consultants 2025